Required Notifications

The following list provides a very brief description of notifications required by state and/or federal law or regulation. It is not designed to provide a comprehensive description of the various requirements or notifications.

Availability of School Division Policies and Regulations

Henrico Schools Policies & Regulations

Each division must make an annual announcement at the beginning of the school year advising the public that current copies of all division policies and regulations are available on the division’s website. The announcement should also state that printed copies of school division policies and regulations are available to citizens who do not have online access. VSBA Policy BF Board Policy Manual; Va. Code § 22.1-253.13:7.E.


Henrico Schools Annual Financial Plan

Upon approval of the school division’s budget by the appropriating body every year, the school board must publish the approved annual budget, in line item form, including the estimated required local match, on the division’s website. The document must also be made available in hard copy as needed for citizens for inspection. Va. Code § 22.1-93.

Child Nutrition Programs

Henrico Schools Child Nutrition Programs

Each division which participates in the Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk in Schools programs must notify parents and the public about the programs. VSBA Policy EFB Food Services; 42 U.S.C. § 1758; 7 C.F.R. 245.2, 7 C.F.R. 245.5. Divisions must also provide notice that they do not discriminate on the basis of handicap. 7 C.F.R. 15b.7.
Parents of all children in attendance at school must receive a notice containing an application form and the following information:

Code of Student Conduct, Compulsory Attendance Law, Parental Responsibility and Involvement

Henrico Schools Code of Student Conduct

Within one calendar month of the opening of school, each division must, simultaneously with any other materials customarily distributed at that time, send to the parents of each enrolled student

  • a notice of the requirements of Va. Code § 22.1-279.3 regarding parental responsibility and involvement (Va. Code § 22.1-279.3.C(i));

  • a copy of the school division’s standards of student conduct VSBA Policy JFC-R Standards of Student Conduct) JFC Student Conduct; Va. Code § 22.1-279.3.C(ii)); and

  • a copy of the compulsory school attendance law and the enforcement procedures and policies adopted by the school board (Va. Code § 22.1-279.3.C(iii)).

Cost per Pupil

Henrico Schools Average Per-Pupil Expenditures

The superintendent must prepare and distribute notification of the estimated average per pupil cost for public education in the division for the upcoming school year. The notice must also include actual per pupil state and local education expenditures for the previous school year. The notice may include federal funds spent for public education in the division. The notice shall be made available in a form provided by DOE and published on the school division’s website or in hard copy on request. The notice should be printed on a form prescribed by the Board of Education and distributed to school divisions for publication. VSBA Policy DIA Reporting Per Pupil Costs; Va. Code § 22.1-92.

Students with Disabilities

Child Find Notice
Annually Henrico County Public Schools must take steps to locate and identify qualified students with disabilities and to advise the public of the school division’s responsibilities under Section 504 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Eating Disorders Awareness Information

Henrico Schools Eating Disorders

Every school board must annually provide information to parents of pupils in grades five through 12 regarding eating disorders. The information must be consistent with guidelines developed by the Virginia Department of Education. Va. Code § 22.1-273.2. A sample information sheet for parents is available on the Virginia Department of Education’s website.

Emergency Procedures

Henrico Schools Crisis Preparedness

Each school’s written procedures to follow in emergencies such as fire, injury, illness and violent or threatening behavior must be outlined in the student handbook and discussed with staff and students in the first week of each school year. VSBA Policy EB School Crisis, Emergency Management and Medical Emergency Response Plan. 8 VAC 20-131-260.D.


Henrico Schools Secondary Education Fee Schedule

The school division’s policy regarding student fees and the fee schedule must be provided to parents annually and posted on the division’s website. VSBA Policy JN Student Fees, Fines and Charges; 8 VAC 20-720-80.B.

Gifted Education Plan

Henrico Schools Gifted Education Plan

Each division is required to make its comprehensive plan for the education of gifted students accessible through the division’s website. The division must also ensure printed copies are available to citizens who do not have online access. 8 VAC 20-40-60.

Graduation Requirements

Henrico Schools Graduation Requirements

At the beginning of each school year, every school must provide to students in all grade levels a notice of all requirements for Board of Education-approved diplomas. VSBA Policy IKF The Virginia Assessment Program and Graduation Requirements; 8 VAC 20-131-270.B.

Homeless Students

Henrico Schools Homeless Children & Youth

Each division must provide public notice of the education rights of the homeless students enrolled in the division. 42 U.S.C. § 11432(e)(3)(C)(i). The notice is to be disseminated in places where homeless students receive services, including schools, family shelters, and soup kitchens. 42 U.S.C. § 11432 (g)(6)(A)(vi). The notice must be in a “manner and form” understandable to homeless students and their
parents/guardians, “including, if necessary and to the extent feasible,” in their native language. VSBA Policy JECA Admission of Homeless Students; 42 U.S.C. § 11432(e)(3)(C)(iii).

The National Center for Homeless Students (funded by the U.S. Department of Education) has created posters that can be downloaded or ordered here.

Internet Privacy

Henrico School Internet Privacy

Every school division that has an Internet website must make its Internet privacy policy statement conspicuously available on its website.

Local law enforcement agencies; Memorandums of understanding

Henrico Schools Local Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding

Each such school board and local law-enforcement agency shall review and amend or affirm such memorandum at least once every two years or at any time upon the request of either party. Each school board shall ensure the current division memorandum of understanding is conspicuously published on the division website and provide notice and opportunity for public input during each memorandum of understanding review period. Virginia Code § 22.1-280.2:3

Literacy Plan

HPCS Literacy Plan | Reading Speciality (elementary) | Reading Specialists and Contact Information

Describes the divisions literacy vision and when and how the vision will be communicated with all stakeholders to be certain that all members of the community understand what progress towards this vision looks like as the VLA is implemented. Stakeholder groups may include parents, teachers, community members and other groups who have an interest in evidence-based literacy instruction in the division.


Henrico Schools Notice of Nondiscrimination

A number of federal statutes protect the rights of beneficiaries in programs or activities that receive financial assistance from discrimination.

Postsecondary Education and Employment Data

State Council for Higher Education for Virginia

Each school board’s career and technical education program must include annual notice on its website to enrolled high school students and their parents of the availability of the postsecondary education and employment data published by the State Council of Higher Education and the opportunity for such students to obtain a nationally recognized career readiness certificate at a local public high school, comprehensive community college or workforce center. Va. Code § 22.1-253.13:1.D.3.d.

Pupil/Teacher Ratios

Henrico Schools Pupil Teacher Ratios

School boards must annually on or before December 31, report to the public the actual pupil/teacher ratios, by school, for the curr t school year, in elementary school classrooms and also must report the actual pupil/teacher ratio in middle school and high schools in the division by school. Va. Code § 22.1-253.13:2.

School Bus Rider Safety Rules

Henrico County Public Schools Bus Safety

A copy of bus rider safety rules shall be sent to parents at the beginning of the school year. The information shall include a request that parents or their designee accompany their young children to and from the bus stop. 8 VAC 20-70-110.

Services for Students Identified as Deaf or Hard of Hearing or Visually Impaired

Henrico Schools Services for Students Identified as Having Hearing or Visual Impairments

Each school board shall annually post information distributed by the Department of Education describing the educational and other services available through the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind, the Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired to the parents of those students who are identified as deaf or hard of hearing or visually impaired. School boards must also inform the parents of the availability of the information and ensure that packets of the information are available in an accessible format for review by parents who do not have Internet access. Va. Code § 22.1-217.01.

Sex Offender Registry

Henrico Schools Policy P6-09-018 Protection from Sex Offenders

Every school board must annually notify the parent of each student enrolled in the school division of the board’s policy regarding sex offenders (see VSBA Policy KN Sex Offender Registry Notification) and of the availability of information in the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry and the location of the Internet website. Va. Code § 22.1-79.3.

Special Education

Henrico Schools Annual Child Find Notice

Each division must, at least annually, conduct a public awareness campaign (also known as a child find program) to

  • inform the community of the rights of persons, ages two to 21, inclusive, to a free appropriate public education and the availability of special education programs and services;

  • generate referrals; and

  • explain the nature of disabilities, the early warning signs of disabilities and the need for services to begin early. 8 VAC 20-81-50.B.

Voluntary Retirement Savings Programs (403(b) Plans)

Henrico School 403 Retirement and 457 (b) Deferred Compensation

Divisions which have 403(b) retirement plans must notify employees about the plan at least once each year. VSBA Policy GBR Voluntary Retirement Savings Program; 26 C.F.R. 1.403(b)-5.

Wellness Policies

Henrico Schools Promotion of Wellness

Divisions must inform the public about the content and implementation of the local school wellness policy. Divisions must also inform the public about progress toward meeting the goals of the policy and compliance with the policy by making the triennial assessment available to the public in an accessible and easily understood manner. VSBA Policy JHCF Student Wellness; 7 C.F.R. 210.31.