Pupil Transportation

We are the ‘driving force’ in education!

HCPS’ Pupil Transportation Department is critical to public education in Henrico County and helps enhance the educational opportunities of all the division’s students. We serve Henrico County families through communication, collaboration and strong, interdependent working relationships.

The school division is noted for its vast pupil transportation infrastructure. The division uses a fleet of 658 vehicles to transport more than 28,000 students each school day. Of those, 627 are school buses. Most are Type C (conventional-style) buses, including the Blue-Bird Vision, International CE and the Thomas Saf-T-Liner C-2. Type D (transit-style) buses include the Blue-Bird All American FE and RE, International FE and RE and the Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX. 

HCPS’ Pupil Transportation Department is critical to public education in Henrico County and helps enhance the educational opportunities of all the division’s students. We serve Henrico County families through communication, collaboration and strong, interdependent working relationships.

The school division is noted for its vast pupil transportation infrastructure. The division uses a fleet of 658 vehicles to transport more than 28,000 students each school day. Of those, 627 are school buses. Most are Type C (conventional-style) buses, including the Blue-Bird Vision, International CE and the Thomas Saf-T-Liner C-2. Type D (transit-style) buses include the Blue-Bird All American FE and RE, International FE and RE and the Thomas Saf-T-Liner HDX. 

Interesting facts about pupil transportation in Henrico County:

  • Our school division — Henrico County — consists of about 245 square miles.

  • Henrico County is divided into five transportation zones: Zone 1 (East), Zone 2 (North), Zone 3 (Northwest), Zone 4 (West) and Zone 5 (Northeast).

  • All HCPS buses are powered by ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel.

  • The average age of buses in the HCPS bus fleet is 10 years. Current HCPS buses joined the fleet anywhere from 2000-21.

  • Our goal is to maintain a school bus replacement cycle of no more than 13 years.

  • Our buses range in capacity from 24 to 78 passengers.

  • During the 2019-20 school year, HCPS buses traveled more than 10 million miles.

  • During the 2019-20 school year, our buses used more than a million gallons of diesel fuel.

  • We transport more than 28,000 students each day to 46 elementary, 12 middle and nine high schools throughout Henrico County. We also provide shuttle service to a host of programs, including the Advanced Career Education centers, and the specialty centers located at middle and high schools across the county.

Reminders for Families

Some reminders for students returning to school for in-person instruction:

  • Follow the directions of the bus drivers for seat assignments.

  • Buses are properly sanitized often – after each run in the morning and afternoon.

  • Bus drivers are equipped with proper PPE, including some disposable masks for students.

Contact Information

Jim Ellis, Director
Kevin T. Roye, Assistant Director
Richard Hurdle, Transportation Operations Coordinator

Main – 804-261-9400
Main Fax – 804-261-9408