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Family & Educator Resource Center
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The HCPS Family & Educator Resource Center provides information, education and support for students, family members and educators in our schools. The Center has resources for families and educators who are nurturing the growth and development of all students, with a special focus on additional resources for those who have special needs.
The Center offers workshops based on parent interest and requests, and have included such topics as high school program choices, elementary and middle school study skills, transition from elementary to middle school and programs of special interest to parents of gifted and special education students. To ensure that parents are aware of these unique learning opportunities, all activities are publicized on HCPS-TV, the educational access channel for Henrico County and on the Family & Educator Resource Center Calendar.
The Center staff responds daily to phone and written requests for information. Requests vary and might include questions about such topics as advanced placement, guidelines for special education, programs for the gifted or eligibility requirements for Head Start. Quite often the Center receives calls from families moving to Henrico County from other localities that want to know about special programs in the school division. Parents can also call the Family & Educator Resource Center and check out materials over the phone; the materials can then be sent to a school of the parents’ choosing for easy pickup.

The Family & Educator Resource Center maintains a list for parents of private tutoring services. The list is composed of current HCPS employees (e.g., instructional personnel, teaching assistants, substitute teachers), recent HCPS retirees, local students who are actively pursuing degrees in the field of education (and related fields) and recent graduates of such programs. The placement on the Center’s tutor list does not serve as an endorsement or recommendation of a tutor. Placement on the tutor list is also not an acknowledgement of the individual tutor’s qualifications or ability to tutor. The list is a referral document offered by the Center for the convenience of the tutor and parent. All arrangements are between the family and the individual tutor. Henrico County Public Schools shall not be liable for damages of any nature arising from the use of this list and/or from tutoring arrangements. HCPS personnel may not tutor or instruct their own students for compensation, nor can they tutor for pay during contractual hours.
News You Can Use is a monthly email containing relevant and timely information concerning students with special needs within the context of special education. Subscribers receive updates regarding workshops and events sponsored by Henrico County; events sponsored by community organizations; resources available to you and your family through the Family & Educator Resource Center library; and other related topics. If you would like to be placed on the distribution list to receive this resource, please click here.
Contact Information
15 S. Oak Avenue, Highland Springs, VA 23075
Thursday 11am-3pm walk in or by appointment
Alexis N. Simms, Family Resource Center Coordinator