Imagine getting all the school news and information you need sent directly to your phone. HCPS schools and teachers use ParentSquare to engage families via email, text and a mobile app. Notifications will include things like snow days or other time-sensitive alerts, a principal’s weekly message, a late bus notification, a student absence, a low meal account balance or event information. Read more about ParentSquare or watch this video introduction to ParentSquare.

Get school and classroom news with ParentSquare
Information for HCPS families at all grade levels:
The Connection, our page of online services and resources, has all the information you need to stay engaged with your student's education this year.
PowerSchool Parent Portal is now open!
When you sign up for a parent or guardian PowerSchool account, you get easy access to class grades, attendance information and student schedules. The portal also gives you “single sign-on” access to other online services.
NEW: eCollect makes back-to-school forms easier than ever
Starting Aug. 8, families can use eCollect to complete forms through PowerSchool Parent Portal. Log in and select the “Forms” button.

2024-25 News and Notes
Bus routes and student schedules are expected to be available in PowerSchool Parent Portal on Aug. 12 by 9:30 a.m.
With the installation of weapons scanners at all elementary schools, all HCPS schools now have the devices in place for 2024-25. When schools first adopt the devices, there can be temporary morning delays. Delays subside as students and staff members learn the new routine. The scanners are part of the division's multilayered approach to safety.
Students will receive new ID cards when they return to school in 2024-25. The ID cards will enhance safety and help make some parts of the school day more swift, simple and secure — all with a quick scan or tap.
Cell phone use: Students must keep phones and other personal electronic devices in backpacks or safe storage containers located in the classroom during the instructional day.
School Nutrition Services:
Meals changes: HCPS families are encouraged to apply for free and reduced-price meals for 2024-25. Aug. 1 is the anticipated date. (Costs for those who qualify for reduced-price meals is being waived for 2024-25.) After Aug. 1, click “Free & Reduced-Price Meals” on this page to apply. Paper applications will be available in all HCPS schools (excluding “Community Eligibility Provision” schools) and the School Nutrition Services office at 1910 E. Parham Road.
Families are strongly encouraged to use MySchoolBucks to pay for à la carte items sold in school cafeterias. Find out more about MySchoolBucks, free and reduced-price lunches, school menus, special diets and more at our School Nutrition Services page.

Pay school fees online:
Elective classes at the middle and high school levels (such as art, music, band, and career and technical education courses) may still require a fee. Online School Payments allows families of middle and high-schoolers to pay school fees electronically. If you need to set up a payment plan, please contact your school to schedule a meeting with an administrator.

Health updates:
HCPS will continue to make health and safety a priority and will follow the recommendations of the Virginia Department of Health. For information on immunizations and other health resources, visit the HCPS Department of School Health Services.
Students, teachers, and staff who have symptoms of a respiratory virus, including Covid-19, can protect others by staying home when sick. Those who have been sick can return to school when, for at least 24 hours, both of these are true:
Their symptoms are getting better overall, AND
They have not had a fever (and are not using a fever-reducing medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen)