Exceptional Education

The HCPS Exceptional Education Department is committed to providing equal access to high quality educational services for all students in the division. HCPS offers a continuum of educational services and support to meet the diverse needs of its student population. The Exceptional Education Department provides support and guidance to schools, families and students in our division as they navigate the exceptional education system.

If you would like more information, or have questions about exceptional education services in Henrico County, please contact the Exceptional Education Department at 804-652-3801.

Critical Decision Points for Families

The Virginia Department of Education has developed five web-based training modules for parents, educators and others in our community who work with families with a child with a disability. Parents strive for their children to complete their public education, obtain a diploma and be fully prepared to move on toward their chosen path — whether immediate employment, higher education or something else. To achieve these goals, certain decisions must be made along the way. The VDOE's modules relate to critical decision points for families of children with disabilities, and are designed to help participants ask important questions as they make these decisions:

  • What are some of the keys to a child’s academic success?

  • What decisions will need to be made about a child’s educational path?

  • At what point should we be making these decisions?

  • What information is needed to make the most well informed decisions possible for a child?

The training modules are accessible at the following web link: I’m Determined – Parents – Critical Decision Points for Families for Children with Disabilities.