Destination 2025: The Plan for HCPS

Destino 2025: El Plan para HCPS

What is HCPS doing well? What could it do better? And what do we want the school division to look like in 2025? Those are the questions considered by “Destination 2025: The Plan for HCPS.”

Each year a strategic plan steering committee revisits our progress and suggests revisions to our plan, “Destination 2025: A Plan for HCPS.” On Jan. 28, the School Board approved this year’s revisions. They include:

  • Combining strategic goals to narrow the school division’s focus.

  • Adding an equity focus to each goal.

  • Adding, combining and removing “implementation drivers,” our short-term action steps. 

  • Adding tools to measure our progress (“key performance metrics”).

Destination 2025: Life Ready Learning Experiences

Destination 2025: The Plan for HCPS

Destination 2025: Strategic Goals

Destination 2025: Strategic Plan Progress

Destination 2025: The Plan for HCPS merges an earlier version of the school division’s comprehensive strategic plan with another document known as “Amy’s Passport” (Superintendent Amy Cashwell’s 2018-19 booklet of reflections, recommendations and next steps) to create a roadmap for Henrico County Public Schools’ continuous progress. The earlier version of the comprehensive strategic plan for HCPS was created during the 2017-18 school year, thanks to the involvement of more than 300 committee members, students, families and HCPS staff. It also includes input from focus groups, community input events, two online surveys and a public hearing. Because the earlier strategic plan and Amy’s Passport shared similarities, they have now merged to become one document.


HCPS’ Four Cornerstones

Safety and Wellness

Safety and Wellness 

An equitable and inclusive school climate that provides for the social, emotional, cultural and physical wellness of all stakeholders.

Academic Growth

Academic Growth

Occurring from the cumulative impact of exposure to core curricula, electives and life-skill development opportunities, and that prepares students to reach their potential.

Equity and Opportunity

Equity and Opportunity

Collective effort of all stakeholders to reduce disparities among students from varying demographics and backgrounds through engaging, meaningful and relevant experiences.



Building authentic, trusting connections that encourage collaboration and engagement among students, families, staff and communities.